Congratulations Undine and Smoky!
(Strawberryfield Soul Driver CDX GS-E JS-E-OP RS-O RNX RAX REX RMX)

Fotocredit: Undine Bresch
Undine and Smoky have qualified also in 2024 for the Bundessiegerprüfung Rally Obedience of the DVG. This year they started in class 2 again. With 100 points they reached the great 2nd place in starting field with 60 teams.
Congratulations Undine and Smoky!
(Strawberryfield Soul Driver CDX GS-E JS-E-OP RS-O RNX RAX REX RMX)

Fotocredit: Undine Bresch
Undine and Smoky have qualified in 2024 for the Bundessiegerprüfung Rally Obedience of the DVG.
With two V0 runs they reached the great 3rd place in a huge starting field with 52 teams.
Congratulations Undine and Smoky!
(Strawberryfield Soul Driver GS-E JS-E-OP RS-O RNX RAX)

Fotocredit: Undine Bresch
Undine and Smoky have qualified also in 2023 for the Bundessiegerprüfung Rally Obedience of the DVG. This year they started in class 2. With 99 points they reached the great 11th place in a huge starting field with 60 teams.
Congratulations Undine and Smoky!
(Strawberryfield Soul Driver RNX JS-E GS-E RS-N)

Fotocredit: Undine Bresch
Undine and Smoky (pictured left) took fourth place in class 1 in the DVG Rally Obedience Bundessiegerprüfung in Ering with full 100 points. At Smoky's 2nd ASCA Agility Trial in Belgium they were able to win the titles JS-O, JS-E and GS-E!
Congratulations Helmut and Jay!
(Strawberryfield Don't Worry Be Happy OTDcsd AFTDs)

Fotocredit: Julia Wolf
A successful trial year 2022 is coming to an end. After the AFTDs in May, Helmut and Jay were able to complete their Open titles in all 3 animal species at the Arena Trials in Hösbach in September.
Congratulations Helmut und Jay!
(Strawberryfield Don't Worry Be Happy STDds OFTDs)

After their successful start at the ASCA Farm Trial in Oberteuringen in May 2019, where they achieved the OFTDs straight away, they were able to score points in both the sheep and ducks at the ASCA Arena Trials in July 2020 in Hösbach and thus the title STDds gain.
10 starts and 10 qualifications, great result!
Way to go!
Jana und Jimi haben wieder zugeschlagen!
Bei der Deutschen Meisterschaft/Deutschen Jugendmeisterschaft erreichten sie im VK2 den 2ten Platz und sind damit Deutsche Vize Meister.
Im 2000m Geländelauf kamen sie auf den 3ten Platz.
Ganz herzliche Glückwünsche!
Jana Sinkel und Strawberryfield Jimi Hendrix
haben es geschafft!
Sie sind Deutsche Vizemeister im THS 2000m Geländelauf!
Wir gratulieren ganz, ganz herzlich!
Jana, gräme Dich nicht über 2 Sekunden. Wir sind stolz auf Euch!
Jana Sinkel und Strawberryfield Jimi Hendrix
sind nun zweifache Hessische Landesmeister im THS!
Jana und Jimi sind die Erstplatzierten im 2000m Geländelauf.
Außerdem haben sie im „Shorty“ den ersten Platz erreicht.
Da beim „Shorty“ zwei Mensch/Hund-Teams eine Mannschaft bilden, gratulieren wir auch ganz herzlich
Nils Kornmann und Orla !!!